Do you want the nursery to be a place where he can endlessly entertain herself? Would you like to be fun in the process of learning and growth, while fun at the same time? How about developing her independence in the process, so you never have to hear the words: "I'm bored !"
the elements of space design that fulfill this promise is based on the concept layout with high quality pre-school classrooms. This is a unique concept because it is a primary focus on the needs and activities of the child. We create a space that appears very different from what is found in traditional designs that focus on creating "pretty pictures". This is a room where form follows function. It is a nursery that says, simply: "Here is your space, made just for you !"
look at the needs and activities of young children: First of all, they like to move, work, research, and a nice mess! They do not really care about the new carpet we prize so highly, or the fact that we spent four hours a night and put the rocker on the way to the magic of our relatives when they visit. Young children care about what they are doing at the moment, so that the doll is sitting in a chair, her food, where to get clothes to put on it, etc. We can arrange their rooms in order to meet these needs and activities and make them a place of entertainment and learning at the same time. When children have access to activities and materials to become independent, freeing us for more important activities and spending more quality time with them. We can make your room your favorite place to be because of the endless possibilities for play are exciting. The old criminal, "Go to your room!" will lose its meaning?
To accomplish this type of room design, there are three main points to consider:
1 Interior space
2nd Toys / materials to play with
3rd Storage of these materials
In this article we will discuss how to create prostor.Druga two points will be resolved in upcoming articles.
When you look at what the kids in particular do you want to move and explore and play, we can narrow it down to four basic activities: pretend play, table toys (such as puzzles, games) constructive play (where they do things) and working with art.
Consider a shared room in four different parts with one part for each activity. Then fill each section with materials and toys that will be used for this type of game. While this is efficient use of space it also helps children make sense of the world around them, thereby making their immediate environment is a learning tool in itself.
Young children have a sense of what appears to be random world and they do this classification - placing items in a logical, adult categories. As we advance to arrange these four sections, we help children to learn about that order.
Let's look at each part in detail, starting with pretend play. Young children learn about the world around them imitate or recreate the world of adults. It includes a play house like cooking, taking care of babies, once again making a recent visit to the zoo or a visit to Nanna's house. I would suggest putting this section in the area of the bed because it can easily become part of this game type. Setting a low shelf in this section, as in any other parts of room, there will be a good place to store materials that you want to make available to children.
art is an important part of the child's experience and actually develops before writing. You'll want to include materials such as play-not, paint, markers, and paper. Place this part away from your clothes closet or dressing bureau for art materials can be neuredan.Riječ the mess. Young children need a place to study and work which is ok to be drippy, to drop things, etc. I'm not talking about destructive disorder in which the book is torn and broken toys. This is wrong. However, the workspace where the project becomes more important than the purity of the room at that point provides a safe place to explore where they can get the confidence and knowledge. Ideally, this area of the tile and flooring. If this is not possible, heavy plastic drop cloth or heavy plastic sheeting on the floor, as it is located below the office furniture can be a great way to make cleaning easy.
of the building is a place where children can build on a large scale. Through the development of projects, development plans and implementing them, children learn to think through your intentions and make them real. The building in itself is a way for children to learn about balance, as they build towers, bridges, houses. This part of the room should be pretty open and unobstructed for the furniture, providing space to work on the floor. We'll talk about the materials in detail in my next article, but briefly, cardboard boxes and blocks of various types are types of materials children use to build.
Finally, you will want to have a section that allows the table toys such as puzzles, small toy people, games, books, etc. may be included in this part of the room as well. This section does not require much space and could be as simple as a small child-sized table and chairs end of the shelf that holds the toys.
and if your room is small and all four sections do not fit, I suggest focusing on building and art areas, with a simple shelf to make materials and toys, which could easily flow over into other sobekuća without creating much nice "mess ."
room design is based on the activities and needs of your child will support the growth and learning every day! This will support independence and freedom to spend quality time together. These concepts create design children's bedroom that is unique, functional and appealing for your child to television and video games become a secondary consideration!
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