In this age when most families have two income earners working outside the home children are often left to fend for themselves after school until parents arrive home. These children are known as latchkey djecu.Dob in which these children are staying Home Alone depends on the maturity of the child and the legal age the state will allow them to be home alone.
Before allowing your child to stay home after school I should take a few precautions to ensure their safety. It is important to make a thorough inspection of your home and look for potential security risks. After the security risks were identified to make the effort to correct the risk and properly guided on the use of equipment in your home.
latchkey children are responsible for their own care and fun while you're away. There are several things you can do to ease this transition:
o Put a list of emergency telephone numbers by every phone. If your child carries a cell phone, be sure to enter the emergency numbers in his / her phone.
o With your child help you put together first aid. This will help your son / daughter to know what each item is used for.
o Create a fire escape plan and practice plan.
Are you on your child's check-in with someone after they arrived Home.
Teach your child about what to do if a stranger approaches them on their way home or on the door rings. Children should be instructed to never open the door for everyone.
to enlist the help of a reliable neighbor or close relative in case your child loses the key.
Discuss about any scenario you can think of is that your child can run and what you should do if it happens.
Leave instructions on the phone book for your child to answer any questions they may forget.
If you do not have a home security system, consider installing one to protect them. When a latchkey child returns home from school I set the alarm to remain at home mode. Many burglaries happen during the day while most people are poslu.Sigurnosti system will trigger a sound alert to repel potential intruders.
For even greater protection to take into account the security system with surveillance, such as ADT's 24 hour monitoring service. This service will contact the Monitoring Centre under various conditions, such as an intruder breaches, leaks of carbon monoxide, fires, floods, and even freezing cijevi.Najnoviji ADT Home Security system can be upgraded to include Cellguard you can contact the Center for Monitoring the client using a wireless close tower.
When an emergency situation is detected the security system contacts the monitoring center. After the monitoring center is alerted to contact you via telefona.Centar Customer Officer for follow-up can talk with your child over twice the voice. Two-way voice communication via a keypad security system and requires no phone. Your child simply needs to tell the back for employees to communicate.
Often our children are given no choice but to become a latchkey child. It can be difficult for some adjustment of children as they May feel lonely, scared, and bored. You can help your child his / her fear of taking all necessary precautions. Keep lines of communication open with your children to help them to cope with the loneliness and boredom. Putting in a little extra time and effort in making your child feel comfortable and will make all the difference in how they handle being home alone.
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